Posts Tagged Friday Fillins

Friday Fill-Ins #144 & More


1. I have a history of being headstrong, unbending, rigid and determined.

2. Auto Mechanics is something I wish I knew.

3. I’m eating (or recently ate) pizza from Big Cheese.

4. Don’t leave your garbage on the road.

5. So that’s it, that’s a bunch of bullshit.

6. Appreciate what you have, because something is better than nothing!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to going to bed, tomorrow my plans include working until 2pm and Sunday, I want to finish up college work after work!

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Friday Fill-Ins & Friday Five


1. One week ago I didn’t have an ear infection & took hearing clearly for granted.

2. I wanted to travel the United States when I was young.

3. Mama told me you always have to make sure you can support yourself & your kids “just in case” – PLAN AHEAD.

4. There never really was a you and me.

5. Take your time choosing your words for a disagreement.

6. This too will pass!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to relaxing a little bit & going to bed, tomorrow my plans include working ‘til 2pm & college work after and Sunday, I want to sleep in but I can’t!

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